Free Oregon Coalition

Free Oregon has or is currently working with the following community partners to preserve, restore and defend the Civil Rights of vulnerable Oregonians:

Children’s Health Defense was founded by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to protect the medical rights and well-being of our nation’s children. The mission of Children’s Health Defense Oregon is to restore and protect the health of children by eliminating exposures to environmental toxins, holding responsible parties accountable and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm to children’s health. Free Oregon and Children’s Health Defense of Oregon have partnered on numerous medical freedom lawsuits and public pressure campaigns.

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Oregon Firearms Federation was founded to give a no compromise voice for Oregon gun owners. Since 1998, OFF has seen numerous battles to preserve basic Second Amendment Rights in Oregon and is responsible, in whole or in part, for defeating most of them, including Measure 114 and HB 2005 - a de facto gun ban in Oregon. Free Oregon and Oregon Firearms Federation have partnered in numerous public pressure campaigns.

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Parents’ Rights in Education is committed to valuing students, empowering parents and supporting communities to secure great educations across America. Established in Oregon in 2011, the organization has grown into a multi-state operation promoting the rights of parents whose children attend public school. Free Oregon and Parents’ Rights in Education have partnered on numerous public pressure campaigns.

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Gays Against Groomers is a public benefit company of gays, lesbians and others in the community who oppose the sexualization, indoctrination and mutilation of children under the guise of “LGBTQIA+” activism. Free Oregon has worked with both the Oregon and Washington Chapters on numerous public pressure campaigns.

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Oregonians for Medical Freedom is a Political Action Committee dedicated to the mission of protecting vaccine exemptions, promoting informed consent rights and preserving medical privacy for all Oregonians. Free Oregon and OMF have partnered in legal actions and public pressure campaigns.

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