
Board Members:

Ben Edtl

Founder & Executive Officer

Ben began developing the vision of Free Oregon in late 2020 while publically embattled, as a small business owner in Portland, for refusing to comply with illegal government lockdowns and mask mandates. Through Free Oregon, Ben helped mobilize tens of thousands of Oregonians to participate in the highly effective and bipartisan Civil Rights movement to defend First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Second Amendment and medical freedom rights. The Free Oregon movement brought significant and effective lawsuits to federal and state courts challenging vaccine and mask mandates and election integrity.

Stephen Joncus

Legal Officer

Before becoming Oregon’s most formidable Civil Rights Attorney, the law practice of Stephen Joncus was focused on matters of intellectual property. Highly experienced in federal court procedure, Stephen took on his first Civil Rights case with Free Oregon in 2021 (Malcom vs. Brown) to protect the medical freedom of Oregonians facing the experimental vaccine mandate by then Governor Kate Brown. Stephen became the primary Civil Rights litigator for Free Oregon challenging mask mandates, medical discrimination, gun rights and women’s rights. Stephen joined the Board of Free Oregon in May of 2024.

Paul Cantrell

Community Outreach Officer

Paul joined Free Oregon in February of 2021. He was shaken in 2020 when the State of Oregon shut down houses of worship in violation of First Amendment Rights. He prayed for a solution and God told him: “Without action, you aren’t praying - you’re just bitching.” Paul is a pastor. Along with his work at Free Oregon, he took his family ministry across the country in effort to mobilize the Evangelist Movement and stand up to the tyrannical government oppression of our God given rights. Paul provides counseling and spiritual guidance to Free Oregon leadership and the communities we serve, wherever and whenever possible. If this was 1176, “Pastor” Paul would’ve been a shoe-in for the Black Robe Regiment.

Leadership Hall of Fame

The growth and influence of Free Oregon was realized, not by one individual, but a community of bold and fearless leaders who pushed through tremendous adversity. These are the People who shaped Free Oregon in ways that can never be undone. Their influence will remain a part of Free Oregon forever.

Dana Hindman-Allen

Will Hobson

Angela Todd

Angela Todd joined Free Oregon mid-to-late 2021. She was a leader at Coalition to Save Portland. She later joined the Board and made a tremendous contribution to the growth and public profile of Free Oregon. She organized the famous OHA Mask Burning and Mask Free Shopping events that garnered national attention and emboldened thousands of Oregonians to simply not comply. She left Free Oregon in 2022 to start PDX Real Media which now has more than 150,000 followers.

Jeannette Schade

Jeannette Schade is an educator who joined Free Oregon in 2021 as the Education Policy Director. Her advocacy united public school teachers across the state to expose dangerous indoctrination and anti-democratic policy legislatively enacted in Oregon schools. She ran a nationally watched school board race in Beaverton, OR and went on to found Back to Basics in Education, a national movement dedicated to the restoration of fundamental education curriculum and equality at school.

Gabriel Buehler

Gabriel Buehler was the Portland Public Schools plumber who exposed the dangerous level of toxins and lead in the drinking water. He was later fired from PPS when he refused the vaccine mandate in order to keep his job. He joined Free Oregon in late 2021 and became the Washington County Political Director. He mobilized hundreds of citizens to join the Washington County Republican Party and was later elected WCRP Chair. His leadership helped transformed the Portland Metro Area’s county parties into highly active and influential blocs within the ORP.

Dana Hindman-Allen joined Free Oregon in late 2021 as an activist with Restore Oregon Now. She became the Clackamas County Political Director and ran for Clackamas County Commissioner in 2022. After the 2022 election debacle in Clackamas County, she founded Justice League of Oregon and challenged the Secretary of State in federal court for to answer why vote tally reports went down during the week following the election. This cycle she is the front-runner challenging far-left Commissioner Martha Schrader for her seat.

Dr. Steven LaTulipp

Dr. Steven LaTulipp is a brilliant medical doctor of internal medicine and an American Frontline Doctor. He treated covid patients at his medical practice 100% effectively with Ivermectin and vitamins without wearing masks. And, with no cases of Covid 19 traced to his practice, the State of Oregon revoked his medical license for not following their corrupt and unconstitutional mandates. Dr. LaTulipp served Free Oregon as the Medical Freedom Director Board before launching a nationally renown podcast and speaking tour. He now practices medicine in Arizona.

Sonja Feintech

Sonja Feintech joined Free Oregon in 2021 as the Multnomah County Political Director. She is a true liberty warrior who led nearly all of Free Oregon’s physical protests and ensured the safety of participants, especially in the Portland Metro Area. After her time at Free Oregon, she returned to her farming roots to promote agorism as a small farm consultant. She is very influential on Twitter promoting self sustainment.

Will joined Free Oregon in 2022 to become the Hood River County Political Director. He was the Vice Chair of the Libertarian Party’s Misus Caucus which aimed to strengthen the Libertarian movement nationwide. Today, Will is the Chair of the Oregon Libertarian Party.